Prisfest 2019

Hope Interactive

LIVIA motivation: Hope Interactive, Nigeria, working at a grassroots level to rebuild trust and create space for community-to-community dialogue, and dialogue between civil, state, security and youth returning from the militant Islamist movement Boko Haram. In an area severely affected by the conflict with Boko Haram, Hope Interactive is working to involve young people, whether they are former perpetrators or victims, in finding alternatives to the violence.

Visit Hope Interactives webpage here.




Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas and the Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Colombia

LIVIA motivation: Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas and the Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Colombia who have built wide coalitions across differences, facilitated dialogues in communities affected by violence and brought conflicting parties together for dialogue and mediation in the internal, armed Colombian conflict. Ricardo and his organization work with an important focus on building permanent and collective non-violence and peace-building processes in a society characterized by violence over several generations.

Visit The Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Colombia webpage here.


Modtager af den nationale pris 2019

LIVIAs motivation: Baba styrker fædres deltagelse i børns liv. De frivillige hjælper gennem peer2peer fædre og familier og skaber tillid mellem fædre og lokalsamfundet gennem deres egen dialog-metode. Gennem tillidsopbygningen nedbrydes fordomme, nye løsninger på samarbejde opstår og konflikter forhindres eller opløses og parallelsamfund opløses. Baba er med deres netværk af fædre og fokus på hvad fædres deltagelse i deres børns liv kan betyde, med til at forebygge konflikter og styrke det lokale konfliktberedskab. Babas fokus på dialog igennem møder med fagpersoner, der har med børn og unge at gøre, er i forhold til at nedbryde fordomme og opbygge tillid og forståelse mellem fædre og fagpersonen, og dermed kan bane vejen for nye muligheder for samarbejde -til stor gavn for børnene. I en tid hvor der er fokus på ’os og dem’, samt konflikter hos børns og unge og generationskløfter er Baba en konstruktiv, konkret dialogskabende måde at modvirke polarisering og styrke fællesskab i samfundet, i familien, og på tværs af sektorer.

Besøg BABAs hjemmeside her.

DR’s ’Uenige Sammen’-projekt

Modtager af dialogprisen 2019

LIVIAs motivation: LIVIAfondens nystiftede dialogpris gives til DR’s ’Uenige Sammen’-projekt for at tage sit public service-ansvar alvorligt og ikke kun fokusere på polemik og debat, men også understøtte kontakt og dialog. I en tid, hvor der graves grøfter, brændes bøger, og hvor medierne ofte spiller en negativ rolle i at optrappe konflikter, har DR sat fokus på brobygning. Projektet, der er udviklet i samarbejde med det europæiske projekt ’My Country Talks,’ skaber dialog i forbindelse med folketingsvalg og valg til Europa-Parlamentet 2019. Det sker med en stor vision om at få hele Danmark til at tale sammen på tværs af politiske tilhørsforhold. Det er meget prisværdigt, inspirerende, kreativt og nemt for andre at forstå og deltage i.

Besøg projektets hjemmeside her.


Among the nominated candidates for the LIVIA Award in 2019, the LIVIA Foundation, with the help of eight Danish conflicting experts, nominated the following groups and individuals. They are all chosen for inventive, as well as courageous and tireless conflict work without the use of violence.

Özlem Cekic
Özlem Cekic invites her worst critiques and those she diasagrees with the most to coffee and dialogue. She initiates dialogue and has met with radical Muslims as well as neo-Nazis as part of the initiative.  She is continuing her dialogue initiative and is training to become a peace mediator/negotiator in Denmark and abroad.


Young people from WE:ACT initiated in 2015 as a counter reaction to the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen the Salaam Shalom Peace Festival – a cross cultural peace festival with the purpose to build bridge and create co-existence between Danish Jews and Muslims.

Min ElBahar
Min ElBahar has each summer since 2007 brought around 1400 palestinian children and their mothers, who do not have acces to the ocean, to a beach in Tel Aviv. The group believes, that peace will come when Palestinian and Israeli will start trusting and respecting each other, when suspicion and fear will be removed.


Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission of the Anglican Church 
Democratic Republic of Congo
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission of the AnglicanChurch works in Ituri and Haut-Uélé provinces, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has played a key role in strengthening community-based peacebuilding in Lord’s Resistance Army affected areas and support the reintegration of young LRA returnees.


Vilma Núñez de Escorcia
Vilma Núñez de Escorcia, is an 81-year old lawyer and president for the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights. She has since the 1970s fought tirelessly for respect for human rights, peaceful handling of conflicts and restoration of democracy in Nicaragua.